Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Role of Attachment in Infancy Is Vital in Subsequent...
â€Å"Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space†McLeod (2009), as a core component of social and emotional development, the necessity and role of caregivers is a heavily researched area. Theories differ on the impairment that a crippled or complete lack of attachment causes to an infant in terms of social, emotional or intellectual development. These theories range from Harlow’s unethical work with infant rhesus monkeys to Chisholm’s study of Romanian orphans, the work remains relevant however in order to be aware of how to support or setback the deleterious affects that studies appear to be congruent on occur in infants of abuse or that have been abandoned. The paper Total†¦show more content†¦Within an ideal attachment relationship as suggested by Mary Ainsworth (1963, 1967) in the strange situation procedure, the caregiver acts as a secure base where to the infant can return during exploration of the environment if the infant feels insecure or fearful. John Bowlby (1969, 1988) proposed the maternal deprivation hypothesis based on the belief that infants are biologically predisposed to form attachments to a caregiver, founded upon the caregivers ability to respond appropriately to the infants needs. The maternal deprivation hypothesis proposes long-term damage due to absence of attachment with a caregiver during the critical or sensitive period, within the first two to three years of life. Caregivers responses to emotional cues through such things as affect attunement, in which the care-giver is sensitive and attuned to the infants emotions, as well as the care-givers own representation of their childhood experiences, as indic ated by such thing such as AAI are known to predict infant attachment to a caregiver. The AAI or ‘Adult Attachment Interview’ (George et al., 1996) is a semi-structured questionnaire focusing on the participant’s experience of their childhood relativeShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Psychology : Laser Student Number : Ruby Kiddi1624 Words  | 7 PagesSeptember 2014 Attachment Theory 1. Define attachment, including reference to key theorists/researchers in this field and the contributions they have made. Attachment style theory describes the type of attachment an infant has with its mother or other main care giver which is generally first observed in a child around 5 to 7 months of age and may continue to shape them and their relationships for the rest of their lives (Smith, Cowie Blades, 2011; Downey Feldman, 1996). Attachment is an affectionateRead MoreJohn Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment1423 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Bowlby’s theory of attachment asserts that an infant forms an attachment to the primary caregiver to ensure survival. Developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth furthered this idea by devising attachment styles in infants. Ainsworth believed that the quality of care given by the mother or primary caregiver results in the infant developing a secure or insecure attachment. Ainsworth identified three attachment styles, namely; secure, avoidant and anxious/ambivalent attachments. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Wire - 916 Words
Last time SPQ spoke with actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, Carl has kept himself busy with the continued development of his craft through multiple acting roles. â€Å"I have learned a lot these past few years through my own trails tribulations working in the film business,†he shared. One such test of patience, strength and endurance happened during the filming of â€Å"South Paw†here in Pittsburgh, produced by another Pittsburgh native Antione Fuqua. Carl said that he went to try out for a feature role, but was not chosen. Not to take rejection and the chance to work with the award-winning director, he humbled himself and accepted a role as a movie extra. Also starring in the movie was his friend Tyrese Gibson. One day Tyrese saw him and asked Carl, what was he doing playing an extra? After Carl told him the story, Tyrese went Fuqua and let him kno w about Carl’s talents. Carl was then given the role as Tyrese’s character’s friend in the film. In the final cut, not only was Tyrese’s character cut from the film, but so was Carl’s. That’s the way it goes in the film business, you never know what or who is going to be left on the editing floor. But out of this rocky experience Carl has grown as an actor and understands the uncertainty of working as an actor. Another similar experience happened in the film â€Å"Out of the Furnace,†with Christian Bale (filmed in Pittsburgh andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Wire 922 Words  | 4 Pages The first time SPQ interviewed actor and Pittsburgh native Carl Clemons, he was part of HBO’s awarding winning series â€Å"The Wire.†Since the show’s conclusion, he has kept himself working as an actor in a variety of acting roles. â€Å"These past few years I have experienced personal trails tribulations. W orking in the film business is not as easy as it seems.†Carl shared. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Response Paper to Michelle Alexanders The New Jim Crow...
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness was written by Michelle Alexander to expose the truth of racial injustice in the system of mass incarceration through the comparison of the racial control during the Jim Crow Era. She reveals how race plays an important role in the American Justice System. Alexander argues about the racial bias, particularly towards African-Americans, immanent in the war on drugs as a result of their lack of political power and how the Supreme Court tolerates this injustice. Statistics show that African Americans commit only fifteen percent of drug offenses, yet they comprise up to 90% of incarcerations for drug offenses in communities throughout the country. Besides that, although the†¦show more content†¦Although some victims of this type of abuse took legal action and attested that the war on drugs is racially unjust, their claims were rejected and disregarded by the court. â€Å"The Supreme Court has made it virtually im possible to challenge racial bias in the criminal justice system under the Fourteenth Amendment, and it has barred litigation of such claims under federal civil rights laws as well.†(Alexander 106) For instance in the McCleskey vs. Kemp case, the real matter in question was whether the court would permit racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. The sentence given to McCleskey was the Court’s reply, â€Å"racial bias would be tolerated––virtually to any degree––as long as no one admitted it.†(Alexander 107) So in reality, the Supreme Court has sanctioned racial bias in the criminal justice system and policing instead of opting for rules prohibiting it. The facts speak for themselves, people of color are the enemies and targets in the war on drugs. They also tell us that fighting back is useless due to the racial bias that is inherent in the criminal justice system. This might come as a surprise to the majority that belie ve discrimination is no longer in existence, considering that it is a black man living in the White House. Ever since Barack Obama pledged to serve as the forty-fourth presidentShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The New Jim Crow1742 Words  | 7 PagesWorks Cited Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York: New Press, 2010. 261 Pages â€Å"The New Jim Crow†Summary â€Å"The New Jim Crow†was written by Michelle Alexander based off of her experience working for the ACLU of Oakland in which she saw racial bias in the justice system that constituted people of color second-class citizens (Alexander 3); which is why the comparison had been made to the Jim Crow laws that existed in the nineteenth centuryRead MoreThe New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration of the Racial Undercaste3337 Words  | 14 Pagesform of mass incarceration, and what kinds of effects mass incarceration has on a community. In this paper, I will briefly examine a range of issues surrounding the mass incarceration of black and Latino males, the development of a racial undercaste because of rising incarceration rates, women and children’s involvement and roles they attain in the era of mass incarceration, and the economic importance that the prison system has due to its development. Michelle Alexander, in her book, The New Jim Crow:
The Final Girl free essay sample
One of the more important, if not groundbreaking, accounts/recuperations of the horror film from a feminist perspective is Carol Clovers Men, Women, and Chainsaw. One of the books major points concerns the structural positioning of what she calls the Final Girl in relation to spectatorship. While most theorists label the horror film as a male-driven/male-centered genre, Clover points out that in most horror films, especially the slasher film, the audience, male and female, is structurally forced to identify with the resourceful young female (the Final Girl) who survives the serial attacker and usually ends the threat (until the sequel anyway). So while the narratively dominant killers subjective point of view may be male within the narrative, the male viewer is still rooting for the Final Girl to overcome the killer. We can see this operating archetypically in Halloween (Jamie Lee Curtis, 1978), Friday the 13th (Betsy Palmer, 1980), Eyes of a Stranger (Jennifer Jason Leigh, 1981), and A Nightmare on Elm Street (Heather Langenkamp, 1984). We will write a custom essay sample on The Final Girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the books central strengths is the direct simplicity of its central premise: taking the classic Laura Mulvey male-centered identification process of sadistic-voyeur and flipping it around to a masochistic-voyeur (by having the identification process shift to the usually female victim/Final Girl). Vis-a-vis the Mulvian argument against male-driven cinematic pleasure, Clover does for the horror film what Gaylyn Studlar did for the Sternberg-Dietrich films: swapping the Post-Oedipal, male voyeuristic-sadistic impulse for a more feminine, Pre-Oedipal masochistic impulse. In psychoanalytical terms, sadism is post-Oedipal, meaning that it takes shape when identification shifts from the mother to the father. Masochism, deriving pleasure from ones own pain or submission, is pre-Oedipal and takes place when the mother is all powerful and is the source of the childs identification (from the womb to the breast). In the pre-Oedipal stage the child takes pleasure in this pure submission to the mother. (Fellini once said a similar thing about why his films are populated with large, motherly women and motherly prostitutes: because of middle aged men not wanting to let go of that pleasure of unadorned submission. In relating this to the Sternberg/Dietrich films, the implication is that one can also identify with the submissive male or female character one finds in each of the films. When turning this over to the horror film, as in the traditional slasher film, the spectator assumes a submissive position whenever they identify with the female victim, and more importantly, the female heroine.
Financial Accounting Business Organizations
Question: Discuss about the Financial Accounting for Business Organizations. Answer: Introduction This study is based on the subject of financial accounting. During this study, the focus is made on the current approach that the business organizations follow to accounting for the liabilities. In the beginning, the study discusses and analyzes the shortfalls in the current definition of the liabilities in the modern business context. At the same time, the discussion focuses on the influence of current accounting approach to the liabilities on the profit overstatement. After that, the study analyses whether the definition or the current accounting approach for the liabilities needs to be changed or not. Proper justifications are provided for each argument in the study. Discussing about the shortfall of the current definition for liabilities As per the current approach for liabilities accounting, liability refers to the economic benefits in terms of future sacrifice that an organization is liable to pay to other party or other organizations against the past transactions (Scott 2016). The resultant liability transactions or events should be settled between the parties that involves transfer of assets, use of assets, provision of business services or transfer of funds. Liability is considered as an obligation that is legally binding that incorporates accounts payable, interest payable, accrued liabilities and other payables (Rosen 2016). Besides, accounting of liabilities requires a company to recognize the amount of liability as a credit balance in the account of liability. However, accounting of liability requires to classify the liabilities as per the nature and type of obligation that is classification as per short- term and long- term and contingent liability (Arnold, Harris and Liu 2016). In several cases, liability also includes environmental liability, which refers to an obligation resulting in future payments because of the past transactions or if the liability resulted from the harm caused by environmental damage. Liabilities also include contractual obligations, deferred revenues, deposits for customers and other outstanding payments. It can be said that the accounting of liabilities should be done appropriately by considering the relevant definition stated in the principles and standards of accounting. Many organizations fail to recognize the liabilities appropriately due to several shortfalls in the liabilities definition when it is applicable to the potentially negative environmental situation (Penner, Kreuze and Langsam 2016). Current definition of liability states that liabilities occur as present obligation due to past events, which does not provide clear understanding to many organizational management and therefore fails to recognize as and when it occurs. For instance, liability occurred with respect to interest payable against the amount of term loans borrowed from bank is required to be recognized as liability since the end of the first year. However, due to lack of clear understanding of definition of liability, organizations fail to recognize the liability on interest payable in the first year (Kumar a nd Misra 2016). Another shortfall in the current definition of liability consists of clear understanding on classification of liabilities as per the nature and terms of occurrence. Accounting of liabilities depends on the nature of liabilities that involves short- term, long- term and contingent liability. There are certain liabilities arise as contingent liabilities that are disclosed under notes to the accounts in the financial report and not in the income statement or balance sheet (Song 2016). Considering the current definition, many organizations fail to classify liabilities appropriately that results in incorrect recognition in the financial statements. Shortfall in the current definition of liability involves lack of providing importance and impact on the cash flow of the organization results in inappropriate accounting in the financial statements (Irwin 2016). Such shortfall in the definition of liability provides impact on the organizational financial statements when the same is applicable to the environmental situations that are potentially negative. Overstatement of profit due to shortfall in definition of liabilities Liabilities are considered to be one of the essential components of financial information which represents the financial position of the organization in terms of amount of obligation that company owes to other parties (Parmar 2016). Accordingly, it is important for the organizations to recognize and represent the transactions of liabilities to provide true and fair financial position during the financial year. Inappropriate of accounting for liabilities result in misstatements in financial statements that represents incorrect profitability and incorrect financial position of the business organization (Jrgensen 2016). In case the transaction of liability is not recognized by the organization for the accounting year in which the liability actually occurred, then the financial statements would not reflect the correct financial information (Mudel 2016). For example, if the amount of liability occurred during the current financial year, it is required to be recognized in the current years financial statements as per the requirement of liabilitys definition. However, if the organization fails to record the amount of liability as and when it occurs i.e. in the current year, the financial statement would be reflecting inappropriate result while the profits would reflect overstated balance (Ratnatunga 2016). Further, inappropriate recognition of liability that may occur due to probable mistakes in identifying the transactions as liability would result in overstatement of profits. Provisions on assets or bad debts include liability that should be recognized as current liability in the statement of financia l position. Therefore, if the organization commits mistake in measuring correct amount of provision, then the operating activities would be recognized at higher cost resulting in overstated profits during the financial year. Other liabilities involve identification of contingent liability inappropriate accounting of which results in overstatement in organizational profitability. As per the definition of liability, contingent liability refers to the potential obligation that occurs due to tentative future event, amount of which is estimated on reasonable basis and disclosed in the financial statements under the notes to the accounts (Weidner 2016). Accordingly, if the organization fails to recognize the contingent liability correctly as well as fails to determine correct amount, then the cost of respective event would reflect lower balance and therefore, amount of profit might reflect overstated balance (Bhasin 2016). In addition, there are certain transactions occur in the business activities that represent both the feature of cost and liabilities. Hence, the organization is required to classify correctly the cost and liability component because recognition of cost affects the income statement while liability component affects the statement of financial position. Accordingly, if the cost component is included in the liability component of the transaction, the same would be recognized in the balance sheet instead of income statement and consequently, the same would reflect overstated profits. Moreover, overstatement of profitability in the financial statement of the organization results due to lack of creating correct provisions on debtors i.e. provision for bad and doubtful debtors (Moehrle et al. 2016). Considering the sales transaction of the organization, it includes credit sales for which provision for doubtful payments and bad debts is required to be estimated and recognized as liability. If the organization fails to estimate such provision, amount of sales would be recognized at higher value reflecting overstated profit. Importance in accounting if it fails to capture the information Identification of liability is important for appropriate accounting, information of which reflects true and fair view of the companys financial performance as well as financial performance. As the amount of liability represents the companys total obligation to be paid in future due to past events, it is recorded in the statement of financial position based on the reasonable estimates and historical judgments (Mudel 2016). Correct identification and accounting of liabilities in the business organization is particularly relevant during the potential impact of the environment on production and disposal of materials in the manufacturing process. It is essential to recognize the correct value of costs and liabilities even in the operating activities for the purpose of determining correct financial information of the company (Song 2016). In case, the accounting of the company fails to capture the relevant information on appropriate understanding of liabilities it matters because incorrect understanding would result in wrong estimation of liabilities that would affect the true result of financial performance. If the organizational accounting fails to capture the information on appropriate recognition criteria of liabilities in the current financial year, it will disclose incorrect accounting balance in the financial statements i.e. income statement as well as balance sheet (Moehrle et al. 2016). As per the principles and standards on accounting, it is essential to recognize the transactions and financial information at fair value and as per the best estimates so that the true and fair result can be obtained (Ratnatunga 2016). Further, in case the liabilities with respect to provisions on doubtful debts or long- term liabilities is classified and recorded incorrectly, the same would result in overstated profit and fals e information to the present and potential investors. Accordingly, organizational accounting is required to understand the concept of definition of liabilities to recognize it in correctly so that the transparent financial information can be determined. However, failure to capture the appropriate information on accounting of liabilities may occur especially during the negative environmental situation that results in presenting correct business information in terms of social and environmental impact. Such misrepresentation affect the sustainability of the organization as it is disclosed in the sustainability report for the current financial year. Misrepresentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position of the company reflects incorrect financial result as well as incorrect amount of obligations that the company owes to other parties. Such misappropriation represents incorrect information on current ratio; cost of capital that involves long- term debt along with the weighted average cost of capital. Further, in case the amount of short- term liability or long- term liability is classified as contingent liability, then the same would be eliminated from the accounting of financial statements and disclosed in the notes to the accounts. Such error in considering and classification of liability would overstate the profit and reflect inappropriate financial information to the investors and other stakeholders. Analyzing whether the definition of liability should be changed or not As per the current definition liability stated by International Financial Reporting Standards, a liability is the present obligation of the business organizations, which is resulting from the past events and which is expected to cause the outflow of the firms resources in order to gain some economic benefits (Demerjian, Donovan and Larson 2016). However, as identified in the above discussion that there are some shortfalls in the current definition of liability that the business organizations follow. In the discussion, it has been identified the current definition of liability does not provide any clear classification regarding the short-term liabilities, long term liabilities and contingent liabilities (Metzger 2016). Due to this, sometimes the actual financial position of the company is not reflected by its financial statements or report. This indicates that the definition of liability must provide the clear guidance that how the business organizations or accountants should classify the liabilities in to short term, long term and contingent liabilities (Oulasvirta 2016). This will make the accounting tasks easier and at the same time, this will also help the business organizations disclosing their actual financial position clearly (Myers 2016). At the same time, the reliability of the financial statements of the company will increase more (Couch and Wu 2016). The above discussion has also mentioned that in the current definition of liability, nothing has been mentioned about the time duration within which the business organizations must account for their liabilities. If the current definition of the liability is analyzed critically, then it can be identified that in that definition, it has been mentioned that the liability is the present obligation of the business organization, which is resulted from the past activities (Kahiya and Kahiya 2017). This may confuse the accountant or the business organizations regarding the timing within which they must account for the liabilities. Therefore, it is very important to specify the timing to account for the liability in the definition of liability. However, in this context, Wu et al. (2017) mentioned that when the companies are accounting for the transactions for a particular financial year, it is obvious that they must account for their liabilities in the same year in which the liabilities have generated. From this point of view, it cannot be said that there is any mistake in the current definition of the liability for which the definition needs to be changed. On the contrary, Cade, Ikuta and Koonce (2016) stated that the understanding of each person can differ. Hence, if the definition is not clear then the accounting techniques, which are based on the human understandings, may also differ. Apart from these, the above discussion has also stated that the current definition of liability does not provide any clue regarding the impact of liability on the cash inflows of the organization. The companies sometimes do not account for the liability fully in the year, in which the liability has been generated (Swieringa 2016). The comp anies do this in order to overstate their profits. It does not increase the cash inflows of the organization (Bolla, Wittig and Kohler 2016). However, if the definition itself indicates the impact of liability on the cash flow of the organization, then it may stop this kind of activity. Therefore, from this discussion, it can be said that current definition of liability must be changed and the new definition must consider the factors like, classification of liabilities, impact of liability on the cash flow and the time span within which the company must accounting for the liabilities. Identifying the broader ramifications for accounting and business due to the accurate capture of liabilities In the above discussions, it has been identified that current definition of liability does not provide complete guideline to the accounting for liabilities. The discussions have also indicated the definition of the liability must be changed so that the accounting for the liabilities can be done more accurately. However, if the liabilities are accounted or captured accurately, then some complexities may take place for the accounting and businesses. One of the broader ramifications that may take place for the accounting and businesses is the business organizations cannot hide any situation in which the business organization earns less profit (Grahn and Bigus 2016). Sometimes, it happens that in a particular financial year the performance of the company is down and the liabilities of the company is high. Due to this, many shareholders and investors of the company stop to invest more funds in that business (Mokhtar, Jusoh and Zulkifli 2016). Due to this, the financial health of the company becomes weaker. In order to avoid this kind of situations, the business organizations overstate the profits by showing less liability. However, if the liabilities are accurately captured, then the companies cannot overstate the profits by lowering down the liabilities (Fornaro, Lange and Lucido 2016). Hence, the actual situation will be in front of the stakeholders and that may affect the financial health of the organization negatively. The proper accounting for the liabilities of the organizations may also de-motivate the new investors or stakeholders (Alrazi and Husin 2016). If the accountants in the business organizations account accurately for the liabilities, then the actual obligations of the business will be clear to the new investors or potential investors. If the liabilities of the company are high, then the potential investors may feel that their investment will not be safe in that company (Bolla, Wittig and Kohler 2016). On the other side, the existing shareholders and investors may feel that their current investment is not secure and due to this, they may back out from the further investment. The accurate capture of the liabilities can also make the accounting for liabilities more critical. If the accountants of the companies account for the liabilities accurately, then they will require more knowledge regarding accounting techniques, classifications of liabilities and their impacts on the financial position of the company. At the same time, the accountant will also require detailed analysis of each liability, which will be more time consuming as well as costly (Grahn and Bigus 2016). Moreover, the proper accounting for the liabilities will make the accounting more complex to understand. The stakeholders especially the shareholders of the companies, who are not accounting experts, will not be able to clearly understand the accounting for the liabilities (Kahiya and Kahiya 2017). If the shareholders cannot understand the financial reports due to the accounting complexities, then the companies will not be able to convince them for investing their money in the business. This will be huge loss to the company, which will affect not only the current financial position, but also the future financial position of the company. Therefore, from the above discussion, it is clear that if the liabilities of the companies are captured accurately, then several problems or ramifications may take place. Due to the ramifications the financial position of the company may decline, which will not be acceptable to any business organization. Conclusion In this study, it has been identified that the current definition of liabilities has some shortfalls due to which many problems take place within the business organizations. The major shortfalls that the study has identified in the current definition of liability are the current definition does not provide any classification of liability, though actually there are three different types of liabilities short term liabilities, long term liabilities and contingent liability. Another shortfall is not proper time span is mentioned within which the liabilities in the business organizations must be accounted. The study has shown that this shortfall sometimes confuses the accountants regarding the time within which the accounting for the liabilities must be done. Due to these different problems or shortfalls, the study has suggested that the current definition of liability must be changed and some modifications must be made in the areas where the current definition has loopholes. The study has also identified that if the liabilities of the companies are accounted properly, then also some problems or ramifications may take place. The major complexity that may take place is regarding the financial position of the companies. 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